Top Free Museums in London

H.D. Bien

 The Tate Modern Museum is focused on international modern art from the early 1900s to the present. The permanent collection is free while the rotating exhibits, which make up half the museum, requires an admission fee. The Tate Modern is the most popular modern art museum in the world by number of annual visits. There are seven full stories of art, three stories belong to the permanent collection.

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 and is ranked among one of the world's top art galleries. The National Gallery's permanent collection features over two thousand art pieces from the 13th century to the present. It is the fourth most visited art museum in the world and the most visited art museum in London. In this museum, you'll find art pieces by Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh.

The British Museum is London's most famous and popular museum. The British Museum's mission is to collect, catalogue, and display relics of cultures from around the world and all periods in time. Famous pieces at the British Museum includes the Rosetta Stone, which was crucial in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics, and the Beowulf manuscript. It's best to arrive to the museum early in the morning to avoid lines, ideally when it opens. It gets very crowded at the British Museum, to the point where moving around in a popular exhibition will be difficult.

The Natural History Museum is a free museum for science split into five departments: plants, insects, minerals, dinosaurs, and the animal kingdom. At this museum, visitors will find blue whale models, giant dinosaur skeletons, and more. The Natural History Museum was established in 1881 and owns specimens collected by Sir Charles Darwin. It's a terrific activity for families with children.

The British Library is a research library and the national library of the UK. It's considered a museum because it features several historic artifacts, some famous items include the Diamond Sutra, the world's earliest printed book, and two Gutenberg Bibles. The library's collection has over 150 million items ranging from books to videos.

Victoria and Albert Museum, or the V&A Museum, is the world's largest decorative arts museum featuring over 4,000,000 items. You'll find items such as costumes, ceramics, jewelry, furniture, drawings, and photographs. There are 145 galleries at the V&A Museum covering European, North American, African, and Asian cultures.

Museum of London is a museum that documents the settlement of London from prehistoric time to the present. Visitors will learn about the Roman roots of London, Medieval London, London's residents, and its social upbringings. A visit is ideal for anyone interested in history or families with children looking for an educational experience. The Museum of London was founded in 1976. 

Learn about other London attractions See more on what to do in London, a travel guide for tourists visiting the city. There's plenty of attractions and activities to select from.


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