Wake Up and Go Walking in Majorca!

 by T. Maniscalco 

 Many people would argue that the early morning is the best time to do your walking in Majorca. Of course, in the summer time, temperatures during the middle of the day can be high and that may not always suit walkers.  There is, therefore, a good practical reason why walking in Majorca is something best done in either the early morning or the later evening.Yet that is only part of the story.

The temperature alone is not the only reason why getting out and about earlier in the day is advantageous. For example, for much of the year the mid-day temperatures in Majorca are perfectly palatable and excellent for walking. It is only in the three months of the height of summer, that those hours might be best avoided. However, one aspect of Majorca that can best be explored on foot and in the morning is, quite simply the light. Even if you aren't an avid photographer, the quality of the morning light can be appreciated and enjoyed to its fullest in the Balearics.

This island is fabulously picturesque and sits in an equally beautiful sea.  In the early morning light, many of the traditional whitewashed Mallorcan buildings glow and the overall atmosphere is magical. To be fair, you can obtain an equally impressive, though different, perspective if you are out and about in Majorca as the sun sets.  Then, the colours turn to rose gold and the effect is nothing short of magical.

So bearing in mind this beautiful quality of light, just what is there to see when you are walking in Mallorca? There are so many potential experiences to be had that it is impossible to be too specific in a short article like this.  All that can be done is to give a flavour of some of the attractions.

The mountains

The island of Majorca has a mountainous landscape and it offers fantastic opportunities for walking on guided tours that can introduce you to the incredible views, wildlife and plants.  It might be worth trying a series of walks in and around the famous mountain village of Valldemosa where Chopin and Georges Sand set up home. Even in the summer time this area is verdant and lush.

The towns and cities

The island's capital of Palma de Mallorca is a fascinating town with a magnificent cathedral.
Taking a guided tour walking in Majorca may allow you the opportunity to explore the hidden backstreet gems of this city, where you will be able to see the influences of Moorish, Castilian and Catalunyan architectures.

The ancient Roman walled city of Alcudia is also well worth exploring and, as some of it is closed to road traffic, this is best done on foot. If you would like to see an example of a Mallorcan town that has hardly been touched by tourism, having a walk around the larger inland town of Inca will be a fascinating experience; you will be able to see the leather working and pottery for which it is well-known.

The coast

Apart from parts of the Bay of Palma, the mountains ring much of the coastline of this island.  Walking some of the coastal paths will allow you to see not only some breathtaking sea views, but also things such as oranges, lemons and almonds - in some cases growing wild.

The train

It may surprise you to know that there is a single railway on Majorca.  This is based around a wooden train (c1912) that runs through the mountains from Palma to Soller. It is slow but the scenery is incredible, as is the route, which sometimes appears to be going through back gardens and past patios! Once you get to Soller there are great opportunities for exploring the beautiful coastline and port areas.

This is, of course, merely an introduction to holidays that involve walking in Majorca.  If you enjoy seeing places that other tourists rarely see, and getting out and about in the Mediterranean fresh air, then this type of holiday will suit you. 

Tony Maniscalco is the Sales and Marketing Manager for Ramblers Worldwide Holidays. They offer over 250 guided group walking holidays in over 65 different countries. Join tours walking in Majorca with Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, and you will see scenic locations & landscapes at the best value prices.


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